All about the community of model railroading and rail enthusiasm
January 25, 2014
The Museum of Transportation in St. Louis was the choice among readers for Best Railroad Museum in the 2013 Cowcatcher Magazine Gold Rail Awards.
The Midwest has something to say about who’s the best of the best in model railroading and rail enthusiasm.
Cowcatcher Magazine readers embraced attractions from Missouri and Illinois in the 5th Annual Gold Rail Awards. The results are announced in the January/February 2014 issue.
Kansas City’s Union Station was voted “Best Railfanning Spot” and the Museum of Transportation in St. Louis the “Best Railroad Museum.” The Illinois Railway Museum, which finished second in voting, made it a sweep for the best places that have captured railroading heritage. The one-two Midwest punch marked the first time that no Texas museum finished in the top two.
Some four-time winners also took a back seat to new champs. The Ark-La-Tex Model Railroad Club in Shreveport, LA, the Texas State Railroad and the Saginaw (TX) Depot failed to claim a fifth straight win in their categories.
Oklahoma N-Rail topped Ark-La-Tex for “Best Club Layout, Modular,” and the Arkansas & Missouri Railroad swept TSR for “Best Excursion Railroad” and “Best Excursion Railroad, Theme Train.” The Saginaw Depot finished second to Union Station for the best place to watch trains.
But some dynasties continued. The Oklahoma City Train Show was voted “Best Train Show” for the fifth year, Discount Model Trains held its crown since 2009 for “Best Model Train Store,” and the Fort Worth & Western Railroad again took “Best Regional Freight Railroad.”
“Best Club Layout, Permanent” went to the former Lockheed Martin Recreation Association’s Gulf & Denver Railroad Authority even though the club disbanded last fall. The club has re-formed under a new name and the layout is being moved. The Texas Western Model Railroad Club, last year’s winner, took second.
For the second straight year, a Walthers product – the HO-scale EMD SD45 Santa Fe locomotive – took “Best New Model Railroad Product.” Fox Valley’s EMD GP60M N-scale diesel finished a close second.
While the Museum of the American Railroad relinquished the distinction of being the best railroad museum, readers did vote last summer’s move of its “Big Boy” locomotive the “Best Rail Special Event.” The move captured the attention of rail fans across the U.S. and abroad.
Also, the Grapevine (TX) Vintage Railroad received the Gold Rail Achievement Award for the return of “Puffy,” the former Southern Pacific 4-6-0 steam locomotive that had been sidelined since December 2010.
Many believed the little engine had seen its last days, but the city slowly rehabilitated her with more than $75,000 in repairs. Puffy returned to the rails in October for weekend runs.
Awards survey went to readers and industry representatives and was posted on the magazine’s website. Voting concluded in December.
BEST TRAIN SHOW – 1. Oklahoma City Train Show, Oklahoma City; 2. Dallas Area Train Show, Plano, TX
BEST CLUB LAYOUT, PERMANENT – 1. LMRA Gulf & Denver Railroad Authority, Fort Worth; 2. Texas Western Model Railroad Club, Fort Worth
BEST CLUB LAYOUT, MODULAR – 1. Oklahoma N-Rail, Oklahoma City; 2. Trinity N-Trak, Fort Worth
BEST EXCURSION RAILROAD – 1. Arkansas & Missouri Railroad, Springdale, AR; 2. Texas State Railroad, Palestine, TX
BEST EXCURSION RAILROAD, THEME TRAIN – 1. Fall Foliage Express, Arkansas & Missouri Railroad, Springdale, AR; 2. North Pole Express, Grapevine Vintage Railroad, Grapevine, TX
BEST RAILROAD MUSEUM – 1. Museum of Transportation, St. Louis, MO; 2. Illinois Railway Museum, Union, IL
BEST RAIL SPECIAL EVENT – 1. Union Pacific “Big Boy” Move, Frisco, TX; 2. “24 Hours at Saginaw,” North Texas Chapter/NRHS
BEST REGIONAL FREIGHT RAILROAD – 1. Fort Worth & Western Railroad, Fort Worth; 2. Arkansas & Missouri Railroad, Springdale, AR
BEST RAILFANNING SPOT – 1. Union Station, Kansas City, MO; 2. Saginaw Depot, Saginaw, TX
BEST NEW MODEL RAILROAD PRODUCT – 1. Walthers’ EMD SD45 Santa Fe HO locomotive; 2. Fox Valley Models’ BNSF GP60M N-scale locomotive
BEST PASSENGER RAIL (Passenger Regional) – 1. Amtrak Texas Eagle; 2. Amtrak Heartland Flyer; (Commuter/Light Rail) – 1. Trinity Railway Express; 2. Dallas Area Rapid Transit
BEST MODEL TRAIN STORE – 1. Discount Model Trains, Addison, TX; 2. Show Me Model Railroad, Grandview, MO