All about the community of model railroading and rail enthusiasm
Thank you for listing your event or show in Train Order. Cowcatcher
Magazine provides show and convention/conference listings as a service to
our readers and the show industry.
Basic Listings in Train Order are published free of charge, on a space-available basis, as a service to non-profit clubs and organizations. Postings are generally limited to public shows, events and conventions and will be edited as necessary.
When you are finished entering information, your listing will appear in the following format in a future Cowcatcher edition as space is available:
Aug. 20-21 2024 WXYZ Model Railroad Show, 1313 WXYZ Blvd, The WXYZ City, TX; Hours: Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; For more information, contact Your Name at 555-555-5555 or visit Website Address
By filling out our form, you will help us ensure accuracy of the listing in an upcoming edition of Cowcatcher Magazine. Listings will be published at the publisher’s discretion.
For guaranteed placement, we encourage you to place an advertisement or
purchase a Highlighted Listing. Highlighted listings include up to 15 lines
following the Train Order format in a shaded box with higher visibility.
Highlighted Listings include more information (clinics, food, entertainment,
contests, discounted tickets, etc.) about the show or event. Cost is $35.
To place a Highlighted Listing, please email us at [email protected] or call 817-379-5528.
To complete your free listing, start typing away to on the form below! Note: Your name, phone and/or email at the top of the form is for contact by Cowcatcher staff only and will not be published. The contact information at the bottom of the form will be published.
Not good at filling out forms online (we aren’t either!)? Just email your show/event information according to the order of the form or the sample above. Send to: [email protected]. The subject line MUST include “Train Order Submission.” DO NOT SEND US A SHOW/EVENT FLYER! We will not extract information from the flyer.
Thank you!